Thursday, May 12, 2016


What is Zap?  Ask your mathematician....

Zap is a game where we pick a range of numbers to count (i.e. 23-39).  We sit on the perimeter of the rug and have a person start on 23 and the students count by ones out loud and the person who says 39 says zap and sits down.  The next person starts again at 23 and we keep going until only 1 person is left standing.  Throughout the game, we stop and make thoughtful predictions (based on evidence in our thinking, not random guesses) about who the next person will be to sit down.  Playing this game helps reinforce our counting skills with some higher numbers, requires listening skills, making thoughtful predictions and creates enthusiasm in practicing these necessary skills all in one activity.  

Yesterday we decided we were ready to try zap by counting by 10s.  Here is a quick video of the students playing.   Most times during the game we have random students share their predictions and thinking behind.  The students love this game.  At home you can start at random numbers and count by 1s, or start on a random 10 and count by 10s, count by 2s starting on an even number, count by 5, etc.