Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Circulatory system

Students learned about the Circulatory system yesterday and had a chance to listen to their own heart beat using a stethoscope.  Our CKLA reading program has provided the students with awesome information on the body systems and through these learning opportunities the students have learned many new vocabulary words.  I love hearing the students use the vocabulary correctly when they experience some hands on learning.  Here are some fun facts that keep buzzing around our classroom:

  • Your body has 206 bones
  • An adult has about 20 cups of blood in their body
  • Blood can travel from your heart to your head, to your toes and back to your heart in under a minute
  • There are 640 skeletal muscles in the human body
  • Your heart is about the size of your fist
  • A human brain weighs about 3 lbs