Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Peace Lessons

Mrs. Sulecki (sounds like so-lucky) visits our classroom weekly to teach lessons to the students how to make peaceful choices.  Last week students used a hula hoop to represent their personal space.  

Here are some items discussed:

  • What is personal space?
  • Why is personal space important?
  • What can you do when someone is in your personal space?

This week students practiced making eye contact with each other when greeting them.  Mrs. Sulecki played a game where students did not vocalizing but rather communicated by eye contact.  The students LOVED THIS!

Here are some strategies we are working on for handling situations when things do not go our way.  

  • Belly Breathe
  • Blow out a candle
  • Dots and Squeezes

Be sure to have your child show you these strategies at home.  They are many that we do without even realizing it!