Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Today we practiced being authors to a photographer’s pictures.  Each day we do activities to support each child’s development in writing, sometimes on paper with pencil, with markers in a card or on whiteboards on the rug.  As writers we have been working on stretching out all the sounds we hear in words and recording them, as well as adding detail to our sentences to give the reader more information. 

The students loved the three silly pictures for our quick practice.  

  • A black lab running in the grass
  • An orange kitten laying in balls of yarn
  • A skunk and a puppy head to head inside a house

It is awesome to see how far these sweet kids have come in such a short time. Using white boards as authors gave every child an opportunity to write their idea and share where ever they are at in their writing development without the pressure of an end product.  

Where is your child in their development?  Where did they start the year?  Look back through the blog and see if you can find the post on writing develop stages, prepare to be amazed at how many your children have already moved through in this complex process.  

P.S.  white boards are an amazing Christmas gift that all of the children love, magnetic ones are a bonus too!