Students practice handwriting each day for 3-5 minutes before they engage in their independent phonics practice. This handwriting is an opportunity to make the correct letter formation a habit. Making letters correctly not only makes the students handwriting legible but also helps with efficiency when writing in general. Writing is a complex process: forming an idea, grammar, conventions, and handwriting all at once can cause great frustration for young children. A small amount of daily practice helps students take one part of that complex process and hopefully overtime become a mindless component. We work hard to make sure our tall letters reach from the top to the bottom, the diggers (g,p,q) go below the line and all other letters fit the space intended for them on the lines. Students are practicing starting all letters at the top every single time they write. Keep encouraging your child to take their time and use a model (like an alphabet chart) to make the letters correct on their daily quick practice.