Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Building number sense

Every day the students engage in activities that help them build number sense.  These activities are targeted to support each student where they are at in their learning and provide them with opportunities that are fun and engaging while reinforcing the skill necessary to help them further develop their number sense.  

Our goal as mathematicians in kindergarten is to think about what we already know when we are faced with something we don't know yet.  

Some activities we are working on in the classroom are:  flip and fill a 10s frame (practicing combinations of 10), tens go fish (practicing combinations of 10), double compare (adding two numbers by putting the larger number in our head and counting on), dice in dice addition (adding two numbers by putting the larger number in our head and counting on), counters in a cup (composing and decomposing numbers), how many are hiding (composing and decomposing numbers), roll it, build it (base 10 representation), place value partners (base 10 representation, composing and decomposing numbers).  

Your child may have not played all of these games yet but as they progress in developing their number sense, they will have the opportunities to learn all of the games.  

Here is a list of great iPad apps that we use to reinforce these skills (some are free and some are not):

Hungry Fish
Monkey Math School Sunshine
Math Bingo (bundle pack has adding, subtraction, base 10 
10 Frame Fill
Sushi Monster
Bellamon Counting Caterpillar (bundle pack has a great phonics app too)
Line em Up.