Today was the official start of our Writers Workshop time in the classroom. Everyday we will take time to learn about the writing process, our craft as writers, as well as, phonics and phonemic awareness to help each learner develop into a writer. Today our lesson focused on how writers write about things they know about or things that really happened. The students chose a topic and wrote for 20 minutes. Many students drew pictures with details about their topics, some wrote beginning sounds in their pictures, and a few stretched words. My goal today was to help students understand that where ever they are in this process of becoming a writer is a great place to be. Many students shocked themselves with what they were able to do. These pieces are coming home tonight for your child to share their success with you!
Writers share what they know. Today the students in our class shared their writing with their peers. I was impressed with how many naturally complimented their partner about something specific they did!