The Pigeon Needs a Bath book review by: Jackson G |
P.U. I think The Pigeon Needs a Bath is the best book because flies buzz around him because it's so bad the flies are even disgusted. It has punctuation so you know how loud to say stuff. Another reason is he can't remember when he took a bath. I give this book 5 stars! Read to find out if the Pigeon ever takes a bath.
There is a Bird on Your Head book review by: Kasen K. |
Do you like books that make you laugh? There is a Bird on Your Head is the right book for you because a bird was flying and landed on Gerald's head. He didn't know what to do with it. Then another bird came and the two birds made a nest on top up on Gerald's head and he did not like it at all. He was very mad, he was not happy at all. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! When Piggie said, there is a bird on your head, Gerald yelled aaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhh! He was so scared that he ran as fast as he could, that was my favorite part. But my very favorite part was when he stopped screaming. Read to find out of he ever gets the birds off of him.
Cat the Cat Who is That book review by: Braylen I. |
Cat the Cat Who is That is a good book for starters because there are few words. My favorite part is the end. Find out what friend he makes. I give this book 5 stars and 2 thumbs up.
I Broke My Trunk book review by Thomas C. |
I Like I Broke My Trunk because when Gerald his trunk he tells his friends. Then Piggie ran to tell the story.Then Piggie does something bad, read to find out what happens. I give this book 5 stars.
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late book review by: Sophia K. |
Hey, it's Pigeon here. If you like to stay up late, I have a good book for you, Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. I think Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late is the best book because whines and whines to stay up late. But he doesn't get to stay up late, there is a big surprise at the end. I give this book 5 stars.
Can I Play Too? book review by: Chris C. |
I like Piggie and Gerald because when Piggie said I love playing catch with friends, it was nice. When Piggie and Gerald threw the balls at snake but they had not figured out that snakes can't play catch. The snakes gets hit with the balls. That is why I think Can I Play Too? is the best. I give it three stars and two thumbs up.